Starting in March, the OpenTAP project will be moving from a repository hosted on Gitlab over to a new home on GitHub. The new repository URL is https://github.com/opentap/opentap. Be sure to star the project.
The move should be mostly transparent for OpenTAP users and ecosystem partners. You might need to familiarize yourself with a somewhat different set of processes and terminology – learn about how to “fork” the OpenTAP repository with a GitHub quickstart tutorial.

Why Migrate?
The motives for the move are several:
GitHub offers better performance for builds and other repository processes.
Plugins are of primary importance to making OpenTAP successful and GitHub provides a more visible, central and familiar locale for hosting plugins, from partners, users and other developers. Plugin code can be hosted anywhere and need not sit alongside the OpenTAP GitHub repository.
GitLab is focused on supporting enterprise continuous integration (CI/CD) and DevOps; While certainly capable of supporting a range of agile disciplines and continuous approaches, GitHub has a more “horizontal” audience that includes embedded systems projects, test automation and other code more closely aligned with OpenTAP.
Dozens of tools are available as a part of GitHub as well as open source tools hosted on GitHub itself, offerings in the GitHub Marketplace and beyond.
OpenTAP Ecosystem Plugins
While OpenTAP is migrating, OpenTAP ecosystem members are completely free to host their plugins on the repository of their choice: GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket or plentiful other options in a very free marketplace, including their own sites.
Our focus moving forward will be on getting these packages in the OpenTAP Package Repo. We believe this will be the best way for our community to benefit from all of the various plugins. Look out for more communication on the plugin contribution process in the near future.