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OpenTAP 9.6 – Release Highlights


OpenTAP 9.6 addresses the following issues.

Welcome to the February 2020 release of OpenTAP,version 9.6. This release mainly targeted the implementation of the break condition feature and OpenTAP support on Linux. Some of the key highlights include:

  • Break condition – Define the step’s behavior depending on its verdict.

  • SDK on Linux – The SDK package supports Linux.

  • Open source Python plugin – The source code of the Python plugin became open source.

  • Documentation – improved documentation on our website.

Break condition

A break in test plan execution skips the execution of subsequent steps and returns control to the parent step. You can change when to issue a break based on the verdict of a test step. You can choose to:

  • Break on Error – If the step completes with verdict ‘Error’, skip execution of subsequent steps and return control to the parent step.

  • Break on Fail – If the step completes with verdict ‘Fail’, skip execution of subsequent steps and return control to the parent step.

  • Break on Inconclusive – If the step completes with verdict ‘Inconclusive’, skip execution of subsequent steps and return control to the parent step.

This is implemented as a setting on the test steps. By default, the value of this new setting is inherited from the parent step or the engine setting if it is a root level step.

SDK on Linux

The Software Development Kit (SDK) package is available on Linux. It can be downloaded from our website.

Open source Python plugin

Our Python plugin, that allows the full OpenTAP API to be used from Python is now open source! Would you like to contribute? Get the source code from our repository to start coding.


We made it easier for you to find and navigate the OpenTAP documentation. You can find everything in one place on

Full Release Note