OpenTAP 9.16 addresses the following issues.
Welcome to the October 2021 release of OpenTAP, version 9.16. In this release, we focus on several new features and usability improvements. Some of the key highlights include:
Step Size Now Parameterized – you can now parameterize the Step Size in the Sweep Parameter Range step.
New Connection Group Added – a new Connection Group has been added for the built-in connection types.
Test Steps Can Now Include Pictures – a new attribute has been added to allow the inclusion of pictures to test steps.
Support Added to Inherit Package Dependencies – packages now inherit package dependencies from other files.
Step Size Now Parameterized
In the Sweep Parameter Range step, you can now set the Step Size as a parameter in your Test Plan.

New Connection Group Added
The built-in connection types, Directional RF Connections and RF Connections, are now placed in their own group under “Basic Connections”.

Test Steps Can Now Include Pictures
The ability to add pictures to test steps enables plugin developers to provide additional information, such as diagrams of required equipment, with the test plan. To facilitate the inclusion of pictures, a new Test Step attribute has been added.
Support Added to Inherit Package Dependencies
When authoring plugin packages, it is sometimes desirable to include test plans, either as the main feature of the package, or as a means test the package’s functionality. But test plans can have dependencies in addition to the package which contains it. With the addition of an XML tag to the package.xml file, packages now inherit package dependencies from other files.